Intelligent Autonomy
Instant Resolution
Intelligent Automation
Proactive Engagement
Human-Like Communication
Collaborative Autopilot
Dynamic Knowledge Base
Solve Requests
Have knowledge base, FAQs, documentation or user guides? Add them to Netdots AI for faster resolution.
- Adapts to how people like to work for streamlined communications
- Seeks clarity for quicker resolution
- Tracks if a request evolves into multiple issues then how each should be handled
Intelligent Automation
Autonomous Actions Beta
AI that takes immediate action on behalf of your customers.
Netdots AI interprets customer needs and takes self-guided action to resolve customer reqeusts.
Netdots AI interprets customer needs and takes self-guided action to resolve customer reqeusts.
Collaborative Autopilot
Eliminate Gaps Between
Customers and Specialists
Customers and Specialists
Have a request that needs a specialist involved? Netdots AI manages the entire interaction
between customers and specialists providing clarity and resolving customer requests.
between customers and specialists providing clarity and resolving customer requests.
"Wow" Your Customers
Lower Cost and Improve
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
Do your customers look forward to working with your support team? Use Netdots AI as a customer advocate to improve customer satisfaction.
- Streamlines communication between customers and support teams
- Tracks customer interactions for quality assurance
- Employs advanced algorithms to route inquiries efficiently
- Facilitates feedback collection to improve service delivery
Actionable Escalations
If you’re needed, Netdots AI will let you know.
Otherwise, enjoy the show.
Otherwise, enjoy the show.